在风光旖旎、浪漫温暖的加勒比海滨,青年马库斯(Mitch Ryan 饰)和他美丽的新娘凯特(Claudette Lali 饰)举行盛大的婚礼。婚礼间隙,马库斯带着的弟弟乔希(Brando Eaton 饰)、美丽姑娘佩妮(Jillian Murray 饰)、好朋友多布斯(Ryan Donowho 饰)以及等人乘坐游艇出航玩耍。他们来到一座无人荒岛冒险,尽享快乐之余,却不知道死神的脚步正在一点点逼近。不久前神秘而恐怖的病毒在岛上肆意蔓延,造成了巨大的伤亡。而作为唯一幸存者的男子波特(Sean Astin 饰)由于恼恨儿子的死,不仅拒绝和相关研究者合作,还恶意散播他体内的病毒。 无意中步入这片死地的马库斯等人,发现了岛上隐藏的秘密,同时迎来了生命中最为恐怖的时刻……A group of friends think they're going to the perfect spot for a bachelor party; a secluded private island. They quickly learn the island is not as private as they thought. The island is home to a lab thought to be empty, but in actuality a deadly, extremely fast acting, flesh eating virus has just escaped containment. Now everyone on the island has to fight not only to survive the outbreak, but also to survive each other.