《卡啦卡啦》夜深人静,万籁俱寂。女人走在冷清的街头,却突然听到“卡啦卡啦”奇怪的声响。当她从昏迷中醒来时,发现自己成为一个可怕女鬼的狩猎对象;《钢》她有曼妙的身材和修长诱人的双腿,可是却用麻布袋紧紧裹住上半身。被藏起来的脸营造出神秘诡异的氛围,男人们垂涎她的身姿,对麻袋下的脸有着美好同时又惊悚的猜测。你可以接近、占有、亵渎她,但是对方一定会以更热烈的方式占有你,直到生命尽头。《继承》婚姻失败的女人带着儿子道男回到了家乡,落寞的母亲悉心照顾儿子的衣食住行,夜深人静则难掩内心的哀婉。直到那一天,妈妈走入封闭已久的仓库后,她的性情大变,儿子似乎成了她的累赘和憎恨的对象。Unholy Women (Kowai onna), is a composite of three unrelated half-hour horror movies. The first segment, "Rattle Rattle", tells the story of a young woman who is pursued by an evil other-worldly being. The second movie, "Steel", concerns a young man who agrees to take the sister of his boss out on a blind date, drawing him into a world more frightening than he ever dreamed possible. The third and final episode, "The Inheritance", is a supernatural tale of a woman and her young son, scarred by abuse and psychological trauma.