在以色列并不存在民事婚姻与民事离婚,所有的结婚与离婚必须在犹太教拉比的裁决下才能成为“合法”,然而丈夫一方的权利往往凌驾于第三方的裁决人之上。《诉讼》正是在这样背景下所讲述的故事。 故事的主人公薇薇安·阿姆萨勒姆自三年前已经提出结婚,然而她的丈夫伊莱莎并不同意。即使伊莱莎强硬地不肯妥协,薇薇安已经下定决心要争取自己的自由,然而宗教裁决人的态度却是暧昧不清。在三方拉锯的过程中,一幕幕悲剧与荒谬不断上演。In Israel there is neither civil marriage nor civil divorce. Only rabbis can legitimize a marriage or its dissolution. But this dissolution is only possible with full consent from the husband, who in the end has more power than the judges. Viviane Amsalem has been applying for divorce for three years. But her husband Elisha will not agree. His cold intransigence, Viviane's determination to fight for her freedom, and the ambiguous role of the judges shape a procedure in which tragedy vies with absurdity, and everything is brought out for judgment, apart from the initial request.