杰森(扎克·埃夫隆饰)是位一板一眼的准新郎,过着无趣保守的生活,被重度控制狂未婚妻使唤,结婚前夕,他去陪刚丧偶的爷爷迪克(罗伯特·德尼罗饰)度假散心,爷爷生性好色,带着保守的孙子踏上了一段啼笑皆非的风流旅程。Jason Kelly, the grandson of Dick Kelly, loses his grandmother about two weeks before his wedding to Meredith. He tries to assist his grandfather and console him for his loss, but was rather tricked into a spring break road trip; chasing youth once again. with the help of Shadia and Lenore, the two men go on an adventure they'll never forget.