高中女生春英(郭书瑶 饰)是一名在贫困单亲家庭中成长起来的台湾女孩。她独自一人离开家乡前往台北,就读于景美女子中学。在学校,她参加了没有什么技术含量的拔河队,因为队内成员均来自单亲或经济状况不佳的家庭,她们身上没有纨绔子弟身上的陋习,个个充满了正能量。拔河队的同学们自知身后没有退路,凡事均靠自已努力打拼,所以无论学习还是体育,她们都付出了异于常人的努力。在女中竟赛场上,这群十六七岁的女孩们,用自己长满茧子的手,拉起长长的麻绳,似乎向未来的命运挑战。体育教练郭老师(庄凯勋 饰)和热心的吴老师(杨千霈 饰)从她们身上看到了孩子们的明天......Chun-ying's great performance in sports gives her the chance to enroll in a prestigious girls' high school in Taipei. Living in the countryside, she has to leave home and live at the school on her own. Once allocated, she joins the tug of war team. To her surprise, her teammates are able to relate to her in terms of their disadvantaged backgrounds and goals for the future. This marks the start on their arduous journey to become world champions.